39th BANGKOK International Conference on Ecological Agriculture, Biodiversity & Waste Management (EABWM-25)
39th BANGKOK International Conference on Ecological Agriculture, Biodiversity & Waste Management (EABWM-25) scheduled on May 26-28, 2025 Bangkok (Thailand) is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. The conference is sponsored by Universal Researchers (UAE). All the submitted conference papers will be peer reviewed by the program/technical committees of the Conference. All accepted papers of the conference will be published in the printed conference proceedings with valid International ISBN number that will be registered at: London, UK. The Proceedings of the Conference will be published by UR-CPS (Conference Publishing Services) and will be will be archived in UR's Engineering & Technology Digital Library. Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object Identifier(DOI) from CROSSREF. Later, the Proceedings of the conferences will be submitted to ISI Thomson/SCOPUS for review and possible indexing. In addition the proceedings will be indexed at Google and Google Scholar google.com and all major search engines. - All registered papers will be online at ISBN DOI Indexed Conference Proceedings OR the following DOI-Crossref Indexed ISSN journals (The author can choose) : A) International Journal of Research in Chemical, Metallurgical and Civil Engineering (IJRCMCE) ISSN 2349-1442 (Print) ISSN 2349-1450 (Online) B) International Journal of Advances in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (IJAAEE) ISSN 2349-1523 (Print) ISSN 2349-1531 (Online) (As per the resolution passed by Turkish Higher Education Council at the General Assembly dated March 03, 2019, an article published in the above journals can be included in the applications (declaration) for associate professorship since the journal falls under the clause of "Journals that charge fees -regardless of acceptance/rejection condition- during application".) - One Best Session Paper will be selected from each oral session. The Certificate for Session Best Papers will be awarded after each session of the conference
43rd ISTANBUL International Conference on “Plant Nutrition, Soil Pollution and Wastewater Management” (PNSPWM-25)
28th THAILAND Global Conference on Infrastructure Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation (IRCCA-25) scheduled on May 29-31, 2025 Pattaya (Thailand)
29th ROME International Conference on Healthcare, Environment, Food & Biological Sciences (HEFBS-25) on June 23-25, 2025 Rome (Italy)